

At some point in my dream I came across Alice. Standing against a wall for support in some yellow canary blouse she caught my eye. Might have been something in those bangs (I couldn't resist) or the fact that she was 6'5''. Whatever it was, in the moment I saw her I knew she was mine; I gained an uneasy confidence with understanding she was my canvas. With slow approach and easy steps I crept forward and she kept talking- nothing of substance but throwaway words, words from a smile oozing coyness, which in return made me smile, and I was right there in front of her when she stopped talking and sighed out a tiny laugh and I couldn't help but kiss her. It was a nice kiss. 'specially since I was teaching her how and there's nothing more satisfying than giving up experience. It was a short, sweet kiss and I thought it'd be smart to save more for later so I left her. I saw her again in the next room over but (you know me) I like playing games so I didn't talk to her. This is mostly weird because I have never known anyone with the name Alice.

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